办公室:生科楼C5009 实验室:生科楼C5011
电话:025-84396376 e-mail:liangyh@njau.edu.cn
所受教育及工作经历 (Education and working experience)
2008.07—现在 纽约国际588888线路检测中心微生物系,教授,博士生导师
2002.09—2008.07 美国伊利诺伊州立大学芝加哥校区,博士后
1999.01—2002.07 新加坡国立大学生物系,植物生理生化专业,博士
1998.07—1998.12 广东省农业科学院良种苗木繁育中心
1995.09—1998.07 中山大学纽约国际588888线路检测中心,植物生理学专业,硕士
1991.09—1995.07 湖南湘潭师范学院(现湖南科技大学)生物系,生物学专业,学士
研究方向 (Research interesting)
1. 酿酒酵母中蛋白质运输(protein trafficking)的调控机制,重点关注Rab/Ypt小G蛋白对囊泡运输(vesicle trafficking)与细胞自噬(autophagy)的调控机制。针对Rab/Ypt小G蛋白及其上游调控因子鸟苷酸交换因子(GEF)在囊泡运输和/或细胞自噬中的作用及调控机制开展研究。2008年回国后系统地研究了细胞自噬过程中自噬前体闭合的调控因子与分子机制,以及未闭合自噬体的命运,依次在Molecular Biology of the Cell,PLoS Genetics (2篇),Journal of Cell Biology,Autophagy (2篇)和Traffic (2篇)上发表成系列论文,研究成果受到国内外同行的高度关注与认可,尤其是发表于Journal of Cell Biology的论文发表后立马成为该杂志的“Most Read”论文,已被引用超过100次,更是被该杂志作为细胞自噬领域的开创性工作(groundbreaking work)之一与2016年诺贝尔生理或医学奖获得者Yoshinori Ohsumi发表在该杂志被选为诺奖获奖理由的代表性论文齐列,收录于细胞自噬历史文献专集JCB65: Autophagy用于庆祝该刊建刊65周年。另外也就TRAPP复合体在囊泡运输与细胞自噬中的作用在Genetics和Traffic上发表研究成果。
2. 利用酵母基因组突变体库筛选一些药物的作用靶标,为相关作用机理的阐述提供重要信息,也可对药物的使用及改良提供指导。在Traffic和Research in Microbiology上发表论文。
3. 酵母基因工程菌株的构建。通过遗传学的手段,构建酵母基因工程菌株,用于生产具有重要价值的生物活性物质。
本科生《微生物生理学》、研究生《Cell biology》
论文 (Publications) (#通讯作者, *equal contribution)
代表性论文 (Representative publications)
1)Liang Y#. 2023. Phagophore-lysosome/vacuole fusion in mutant yeast and mammalian cells. Autophagy 19(9):2595-2600. [PDF]
2)Wu Z*, Xu H*, Wang P*, Liu L*, Cai J*, Chen Y*, Zhao X, You X, Liu J, Guo X, Xie T, Feng J, Zhou F, Li R, Xie Z, Xue Y#, Fu C# and Liang Y#. 2022. The entry of unclosed autophagosomes into vacuoles and its physiological relevance. PLoS Genetics [PDF]18(10):e1010431.
3)Wu Z*, Xu H*, Liu J*, Zhou F and Liang Y#. 2021. The ESCRT-III complex contributes to macromitophagy in yeast. Traffic 22(8):258-273. [PDF]
4)Zhang A*, Meng Y*, Li Q* and Liang Y#. 2020. The endosomal sorting complex required for transport complex negatively regulates Erg6 degradation under specific glucose restriction conditions. Traffic 21(7):488-502. [PDF]
5)Zhou F, Wu Z, Zhao M, Segev N# and Liang Y#. 2019. Autophagosome closure by ESCRT: Vps21/RAB5-regulated ESCRT Recruitment via an Atg17-Snf7 Interaction. Autophagy 15(9):1653-1654. [PDF]
6)Zhou F*, Wu Z*, Zhao M, Murtazina R, Cai J, Zhang A, Li R, Sun D, Li W, Zhao L, Li Q, Zhu J, Cong X, Zhou Y, Xie Z, Gyurkovska V, Li L, Huang X, Xue Y, Chen L, Xu H, Xu H, Liang Y# and Segev N#. 2019. Rab5-dependent autophagosome closure by ESCRT. Journal of Cell Biology 218(6):1908-1927. [PDF]
7)Zhu X*, Cai J*, Zhou F, Wu Z, Li D, Li Y, Xie Z, Zhou Y and Liang Y#. 2018. Genome-wide screening of budding yeast with honokiol to associate mitochondrial function with lipid metabolism. Traffic 19(11):867-878. [PDF]
8)Zhou F*, Zou S*, Chen Y*, Lipatova Z, Sun D, Zhu X, Li R, Wu Z, You W, Cong X, Zhou Y, Xie Z, Gyurkovska V, Liu Y, Li Q, Li W, Cheng J, Liang Y# and Segev N#. 2017. A Rab5 GTPase module is important for autophagosome closure. PLoS Genetics 13(9):e1007020. [PDF]
9)Chen Y, Zhou F, Zou S, Yu S, Li S, Li D, Song J, Li H, He Z, Hu B, Björn L, Lipatova Z, Liang Y#, Xie Z# and Segev N#. 2014. A Vps21 endocytic module regulates autophagy. Molecular Biology of the Cell 25:3166-3177. [PDF]
10)Zou S, Chen Y, Liu Y, Segev N, Yu S, Liu Y, Min G, Ye M, Zeng Y, Zhu X, Hong B, Björn L, Liang Y#, Li S# and Xie Z#. 2013. Trs130 participates in autophagy through GTPases Ypt31/32 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Traffic 14:233-246. [PDF]
11)Zou S*, Liu Y*, Zhang XQ*, Chen Y, Ye M, Zhu X, Yang S, Lipatova Z, Liang Y# and Segev N#. 2012. Modular TRAPP complexes regulate intracellular protein trafficking through multiple Ypt/Rab GTPases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 191:451-460. [PDF]
12)Liang Y, Morozova N, Tokarev AA, Mulholland JW and Segev N. 2007. The role of Trs65 in the Ypt/Rab guanine nucleotide exchange factor function of the TRAPPII complex. Molecular Biology of the Cell 18:2533-2541. [PDF]
13)Morozova N*, Liang Y*, Tokarev AA, Chen S, Cox R, Andrejic J, Lipatova Z, Sciorra V, Emr S and Segev N. 2006. TRAPPII subunits are required for the specificity switch of a Ypt/Rab GEF. Nature Cell Biology 8:1263-1269. [PDF]
(Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2006) 7:881; and recommended by "Faculty of 1000 Biology")
14)Liang Y and Sun W. 2002. Rate of dehydration and cumulative desiccation stress interacted to modulate desiccation tolerance of recalcitrant Theobroma cacao and Ginkgo biloba embryonic tissues. Plant Physiology 128:1323-1331. [PDF]
15)Liang Y and Sun W. 2000. Desiccation tolerance of recalcitrant Theobroma cacao embryonic axes: the optimal drying rate and its physiological basis. Journal of Experimental Botany 51:1911-1919. [PDF]
其它论文 (Other publications)
1)Chen X(陈晓凡,本科生), and Liang Y#. 2023. Vtc4 Promotes the Entry of Phagophores into Vacuoles in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Snf7 Mutant Cell. Journal of Fungi 9:1003. [PDF]
2)Zhao L*, You W*, Sun D, Xu H, You X, Xu H, Wu Z, Xie Z and Liang Y#. 2022. Vps21 Directs the PI3K-PI(3)P-Atg21-Atg16 Module to Phagophores via Vps8 for Autophagy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23:9550. [PDF]
3)Chen Y*, Wu Z*, Dong L*(董林,本科生), You X, Ji Y and Liang Y#. 2022. Yeast phospholipase D, Spo14, is not required for macroautophagy Yeast 39:401-411. [PDF]
4)Zhao M and Liang Y#. 2021. Using GBP Nanotrap to Restore Autophagy in the Rab5/Vps21 Mutant by Forcing Snf7 and Atg17 Interaction. Methods in Molecular Biology 2293:181-188. [PDF]
5)Liang Y#. 2021. Phagophore Closure. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1208:43-53. [PDF]
6)Li W, Wu Z and Liang Y#. 2019. Vrl1 relies on its VPS9-domian to play a role in autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell Biology International 43(8):875-889. [PDF]
7)Cheng J, Yin Z, Zhang Z and Liang Y#. 2018. Functional analysis of MoSnf7 in Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics Biology 121:29-45. [PDF]
8)Zhu X, Zou S, Li Y and Liang Y#. 2017. Transcriptomic analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae upon honokiol treatment. Research in Microbiology 168, 626-635:[PDF]
9)Yang J, Yang Z, Yin Y, Rao M, Liang Y# and Ge M#. 2016. Three novel polyene macrolides isolated from cultures of Streptomyces lavenduligriseus. Journal of Antibiotics 69:62-65 [PDF]
10)Zou S*, Liu Y*, Zhang C, Yu S and Liang Y#. 2015. Bet3 participates in autophagy through GTPase Ypt1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell Biology International 39:466-474. [PDF]
11)Ye M, Chen Y, Zou S, Yu S and Liang Y#. 2014. Ypt1 suppresses defects of vesicle trafficking and autophagy in Ypt6 related mutants. Cell Biology International 38:663-674. [PDF]
12)Jin X, Rao M, Wei W, Ge M, Liu J, Chen D and Liang Y#. 2012. Biosynthesis of new lipopentapeptides by an engineered strain of Streptomyces sp. HCCB10043. Biotechnology Letters 34:2283-2289. [PDF]
综述 (Review)
Yu S and Liang Y. 2012. A Trapper Keeper for TRAPP, its structures and functions. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 69:3933-3944. [PDF]
著作章节 (Book chapter)
梁永恒. 2021. 自噬前体的闭合. 自噬生物学与疾病(方法卷) 第3版 秦正红、乐卫东、谢志平 总主编,谢志平 主编, 科学出版社,31-38.
主要科研项目 (Fundings)
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目,液泡/溶酶体与其他细胞器在自噬过程中的互作与功能研究(编号92354302),2024.1-2025.12,Multiple-Principal Investigator。
荣誉 (Honor)
2019年度纽约国际588888线路检测中心“钟山学术骨干B岗”;2019年江苏省优秀博士学位论文指导教师(博士生 周帆);2019年纽约国际588888线路检测中心优秀博士学位论文指导教师(博士生 周帆);2020年纽约国际588888线路检测中心优秀学术型硕士学位论文指导教师(硕士生 张奥);2016年、2017年、2020年、2021年、2022年纽约国际588888线路检测中心优秀本科毕业论文(设计)指导教师(本科生 张璇、董林、彭程、田欣熠、马瀚宇);2020年纽约国际588888线路检测中心“优秀研究生导师”
学会会员 (Membership)
社会服务 (Public service)
审稿:Autophagy, Molecular Biology of the Cell, mSphere, Current Genetics, Fungal Genetics Biology, Yeast, Cell Biology International, 中国细胞生物学学报,《中国生物工程杂志》等; 基金评审:The Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) of Hong Kong; Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); 国家自然科学基金;北京市自然科学基金;江苏省自然科学基金